My mind is a vast wasteland
I really have nothing to say today. I'm looking forward to Heroes tonight. Wait, you could guess that. My kids are home. Boringarama. My house is a sty. Same shit, different day.
Yep, I've got nothing.
I'll leave you with a cute tidbit from my 4 year old son.
His sisters were both out on Saturday night. He was bored. I told him I'd take him to Blockbuster and get him the Rescue Heroes movie that he'd been wanting but his sisters always hog the rental. We grab the movie and get in line. I tell him he can get a candy (Blockbuster snack pass ya'll!) and we leave. As we get in the car, my son with the biggest grin on his face, hugs me and says "I am sooooo happy with you right now"
He's so freakin cute I can hardly stand it sometimes.
Yep, I've got nothing.
I'll leave you with a cute tidbit from my 4 year old son.
His sisters were both out on Saturday night. He was bored. I told him I'd take him to Blockbuster and get him the Rescue Heroes movie that he'd been wanting but his sisters always hog the rental. We grab the movie and get in line. I tell him he can get a candy (Blockbuster snack pass ya'll!) and we leave. As we get in the car, my son with the biggest grin on his face, hugs me and says "I am sooooo happy with you right now"
He's so freakin cute I can hardly stand it sometimes.
At May 7, 2007 at 10:36 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hahaha that's so funny. Kids never cease to amaze me with their random adult- likeness. If that makes sense.
At May 7, 2007 at 11:03 AM ,
BlazngScarlet said...
Of COURSE he likes you RIGHT NOW!
His choice of movie AND candy?
Gotta love the lil curtain-climbing, crumb-grubbin rug apes!
At May 7, 2007 at 11:11 AM ,
Mz Jackson said...
You gotta write those moments down so you'll remember them when they tear something up or embarrass you in public.
The little sweeties!
At May 7, 2007 at 12:12 PM ,
Burfica said...
I love little moments like that. We do netflix and I get a movie, gigantor gets a movie and kiddo does. so we each get a pick.
At May 7, 2007 at 12:24 PM ,
none said...
Cute kid comments makes it all worthwhile.
At May 7, 2007 at 2:42 PM ,
Burfica said...
OMG laurie, you have to check out my sisters post. She made me pee my pants. She's over at nitrogen narcosis
Read her Honduran Bowling post.
At May 7, 2007 at 3:03 PM ,
Anonymous said...
My oldest child told me today that "Actually you aren't cool, you just play a cool kid on tv". I've never been prouder.
Now, about this coffee thing. I can't even see the dishes until I've had coffee. My coffee pot & I are close.
At May 7, 2007 at 4:37 PM ,
Anonymous said...
cherish the fact that he's happy with you. In ten years you'll be lucky if he even acknowledges you in public!
At May 7, 2007 at 8:56 PM ,
Canadian flake said...
lmao ok what lorrie said is soooo true. My kids, like me are very loving, huggy kissy kids. They get it from me. But now that my oldest is 15, if we are out in public she would pretend she doesn't know me if I let her...ya gotta loveeee teenagers!!! lmao.
At May 7, 2007 at 8:56 PM ,
Canadian flake said...
lmao ok what lorrie said is soooo true. My kids, like me are very loving, huggy kissy kids. They get it from me. But now that my oldest is 15, if we are out in public she would pretend she doesn't know me if I let her...ya gotta loveeee teenagers!!! lmao.
At May 8, 2007 at 5:44 AM ,
Donsie said...
Your kids sound like he knows his stuff... Good for you!!!
Mine almost 2 years old got stuck on the U-U (with the head going left and right - meaning no)
More stories about him please... they always do interresting funny things :-)
At May 8, 2007 at 7:16 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Dang...they got Blockbusters in CO?? Wow.
Glad ya made your boy happy :)
At May 8, 2007 at 8:26 AM ,
Tim said...
very cute.
Heroes was ehhh. Nothing got accomplished.
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