Well,not really home anymore. Where I grew up. I feel pretty disconnected to it now. I'm going back next week though to help my parents move. I've got me a one way ticket to L.A. and will be driving back in a car (with my sister whom I haven't spent more than probably 30 mins with in the last 10 years) so that my mom doesn't fall asleep on the road and kill innocent people.
The nice thing is that for a few days I will be kidless. Since I've moved here this has become almost a non-happening. I will enjoy the quiet (esp on the plane although whenever I do get to fly alone I usually end up right next to a lady with a baby on her lap. I am flying on a jet though and there's only one seat on my side so "take that" lady with baby).
It will be odd to help them move out of my childhood home though. Not that it really looks like the shagtastic home of the 70's in which I grew up. But whatever. I do get to go hang out with my old friends and that's cool. Looking forward to some sushi and sake. Hopefully I'll be able to catch one of my niece or nephew's soccer games. That would be cool.
Now I'm just boring and rambling. But at least I posted right!?
Ha ha. Like you care ;)