Laurie's Life (Denver Style)

See how our family is doing since moving from Cali to Colorado

Friday, August 21, 2009

Crossfit Total

Yesterday's WOD was Crossfit Total which goes like this:

CrossFit Total

Max load in 3 attempts of the following
Back Squat
Shoulder Press

Not sure why the writing came out wonky but...anyway

I don't normally do the Thursday workout but have been wanting to do this one. I am much better at the lifting than the endurance.

My weights:

BS: 135-155-175
SP: 55-75-80(f)
DL: 185-205-220(f)+220 for bragging rights

pretty proud of those numbers. Interested to see where I'll be in 3 months time with it.


Today was my first "hero" workout. Normally I'm a complainer. Just ask my trainer (I'm also apparently a poet and didn't know it). Anyway...

Today was not a workout for complaining. Yes it was hard. Yes it sucked. But I can do it. JT no longer can. I am grateful for his service to our country.



Handstand Pushups

Ring Dips


My time 20:23

Thanks JT

Monday's WOD = not fun


800 M. Run


12-9-6-3 reps

Thrusters 115#/95#

Box Jump 24"/20"

KB Swings 24kg/12kg


800 M Run

My time was 28:53. I think. I have to go back to the box to write it down.

I did my thrusters at 55#, box jump 20" and KB swings 16kg

Monday, August 17, 2009

Aug 10-14

Every time I'd go to write down my workout, Blogger would be down.

Here is last weeks list of torture. Today is supposed to be super fun but I'll write about that later.

Mon Aug 10 WOD

800m Row 30 power snatch 30 box jump 30 sit up 30 pull up 30 kettlebell swing 800m row

As my shoulder was injured I did:

800m row 30 power snatch 38lbs 30 box jump (15 red box 15 13 in box) 30 sit up 11 pull up (shoulder started screaming here) 20 20# goblet squats 800m row

My time: 25:12

Not the best start to the week

Wed Aug 12 WOD
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

Wallballs 1 min on 1 min off 3 rounds

How I did:

BS: 65-85-105-125-135
FS: 65-85-95-105-115

Wall balls I did 22-21-22 with a 10# ball

Hit a PR on both the front and back squats. Pretty pleased with those.

Fri Aug 14 WOD
1 pull up 5 dead lift 10 push up
2 pull up 5 dead lift 9 push up
3 pull up 5 dead lift 8 push up
10 pull up 5 dead lift 1 push up

Ok so this sucked much, much harder than I thought it would.

I used a green band for the first time on my pull ups. Surprised myself and got through round 5 with it. Round 6 I used black and then a supreme ache in my arms yielded me a double band which I hated and don't recommend other than it got me through.

I used 85 lbs for my deadlifts

Push ups were oddly a breeze.

My time? 20:36

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I woke up on Monday with a pulled neck muscle which continued to get worse through the day. I did however hit the 7 am workout though I'm not sure it was the best idea I've ever had.


21 - 15 - 9

OHS (95/65)


Push Ups

My time? 14:23

This really sucked for me and really hurt. Even though I was supposed to work out today, I'm taking the day off (thankfully as it was a hero workout this morning). I'm also skipping Olympic Lifting tomorrow. I need this sucker to heal!

Did have a super fun day yesterday and went to the Stanley Hotel for their ghost tour. Great time.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Soccer Day

I can't believe I actually worked out 5x this week! Plus Olympic Lifting class. I rock ;)

Anyhow, one of the tenants of Crossfit is to learn and play new sports. Today this was incorporated in our WOD.


4 Rounds

work in teams of two. One person dribbles the soccer ball through the cones, does 10 hang power cleans and dribbles back to their partner. The partner is doing as many air squats as possible.

Our warm-up was all soccer related as well. It was a fun day in the park.